Installation ============== Lets install `Sphinx! `_ You can install sphinx with either conda or pip. .. note:: If you are using conda (which I recommend) I have added a file called ``wfrt.yml`` You can simply run the following command which will install a conda environment containing all the required packages for this user guide. .. code-block:: bash conda env create -f wfrt.yml Conda ++++++ If you dont want a new conda env .. code-block:: bash conda install -c conda-forge sphinx conda install -c conda-forge jupytext conda install -c conda-forge nbsphinx conda install -c conda-forge myst-parser conda install -c conda-forge sphinx-book-theme conda install -c conda-forge sphinx-copybutton Pip ++++++ Or if you like pip .. code-block:: bash pip install sphinx pip install jupytext pip install nbsphinx pip install myst-parser pip install sphinx-book-theme pip install sphinx-copybutton